The procedure for submitting one or more abstracts consists of three steps:
I- Log in or create an account on "SciencesConf" to access the online submission form at: https://mme2024.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit
II- The two submission options:
Please note that the required format is 4 pages, with a maximum of 3 figures and 2 tables.
III- Submit the abstract(s) directly in MS-Word format through the online form, following the detailed instructions in the "Abstract Submission" link under the "Submission" tab.
Please select only one thematic area.
The abstract submission period begins on October 2, 2023, and ends on December 30, 2023. After the review of submitted works, authors of papers will be notified of the feedback by no later than January 30, 2024, and, if necessary, invited to resubmit a modified abstract before March 15, 2023.
During the submission process, you will be asked to indicate your preference for presentation type (Oral or Poster), although it may not always be possible to accommodate your request.